Monday, August 22, 2011


A:Its to late for me, save your own soul.
B:'You can still make it, give me your hand, dont be foolish, dont let go.
A:'It is to late, I cannot jump, this leap is to long for me, my legs are not capable of jumping this far.
It was nice knowing you, our paths end here.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Human ability

You can only be liberated when you try to see reality and reflect on it. I am aware of the difficulties of known what is real and what you want it to be real. The vast majority of us live our life centered on wanting to make reality something else.
Do not get me wrong, don’t think I am promoting reality as a thing with a finite shape which cannot be changed, I am aware of the power of free will, the ability to shape our own reality, my point is accepting the limit of our ability. While it is normal to want your life to be in a certain way there are many factors which beyond our ability to control, do not feel lost and out of control when those things happen, this does not mean you are no in control of your life, infact you are, what you are not in control of is reality.

Reality consist of you, me, them, others, the table and, your life is defined based on your interaction of you with reality. You can control your interaction, however you can never predict the reality and the impact of your interaction with it, respect it and move on.

Do not see life as a battle and say ‘I accept defeat’, see life as life and realize you are a human with limited ability, respect your limit and grow with it.

A search....

Searched for love in the eyes of a Gyspy goddess
I lost the world, I found an emotion, it was lust
I realized love was not in it

Searched the Golden sun for Gold
I realized it was too hot to reach
Wealth is something best from far away

I searched for happiness
I smiled all day for no reason
I drunk with the people of Winehouse and dance to their melodies
Soon became sober
I realized happiness is not the voice of laughter no in mere facial gesture
It is from within

I searched for all things but one
I realized that one is the search to end all searches.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The sadness 'i' know

At what point should I worry about my life? When the hair line is slowly increasing its march backward towards my spine, when my waist is slowly expanding, when my friends are in a manner that I know their faces but not their name, or perhaps when the people I thought are my friends are in fact strangers.

I don’t get it why sadness and pain always seem to have an aesthetic to all of us, we get the pain and the suffering but we get it in the most amazing way, in a way it makes us feel good in a bad way! It seems like happy moment has no meaning on paper where as pain and suffering just makes perfect sense on paper with minimum effort of trying to pain them with words? Or maybe it is because the entire sadness I read in the paper is understood so easily by me is because I have lived it at least once or maybe more than once.

We only remember the extreme emotion within our life I hope there is more to life than the extremes I know so far.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

To be understood

After a certain ages we just need someone to understand us, call that person a friend call it a best friend, or call a whatever you want, we just want some to to understand us, not necessiarly feel sorry for us or do anything, but to just get us. The complexity of it is not only in how we want to show ourself but for most the inability of expressing oneself.

As a result most turn into music, art, become great writers and create the characters they wish to be themselves, exposing their nature as the people in their work and after that they just wait and see how those characters are loved by others. Yes in order to express ourselves some might go as extreme as deforming their human like shape. And all they do is wait for someone to come and tell them that 'yes they get it'

Reality is we either have hard time to understand ourself or what we undertand of ourself is something we completely ignore due to our dislikes

Thursday, July 7, 2011

To say goodbye....

It was a brief encounter, an event beyond words ability to describe, complete accident, complete non-sense, illogical incident but it was magical, it was like the universe arranged for this to happen.
Accident do not take place, but if they do they rarely this magical. Two strangers meet and they somehow learn in few brief encounters without knowing one other carefully they have this ability to get one another almost completely.

They did not need to explain the obscure and strange nature of their mind to one another. The thoughts that made others frown out of discomfort when they heard them verbalize it, it only made them smile, smile because they get it.

They were too alike and strange, so strange that they both always told themselves that if there was one more of them this world would be too small for both of them. But here they were, two people so much alike, what there is for them to do? Should they pretend they never saw one another, should they just pretend so they do not need to say good bye? Should they continue and be amazed how much they are alike? But they know one day they would hate each other, hate each other for getting so used to one another, for known what the other one is like, for reading one another’s mind without the need for words; hating each other for known the thoughts, desires, personality, needs and for the addiction they might have to another one day. Hating the mutual need of one another that it might make them sick to think about it, the beating heart, the anxiety, the question, the thoughts, the jealousy and the apologies that follows’ soon after.

What them to do? Say good bye or pretend nothing happened.

Who knows maybe it was just all in their head, maybe they wanted to see the another that way all because they just wanted to, they needed to.

But yes, “Fihe Mafih”

So the next page is left blank intentionally so there is space for changes perhaps a chance to go back and add things if it was needed, maybe yes maybe make changes that made it better, made it all worthwhile, worth living...

Friday, February 11, 2011

How to kill bordem

Coffee, tea, casual chat with mates you know not for too long because of 'only girls talk for long'. Looking at old emails, having a laugh at myself and asking myself 'what the fuck the discussion was about that it end up going this way'. Than picking up a book I bought two years ago and reading half a page and than realize why I didnt bother finishing the book 2 years ago, than leaving the book back where it was for another two years.

Look up illegal websites for pirated songs , download it than half way between the song realize I want to see what the video clip looks like.I than end up watching the clip and hate the song due to the clip, leaving the song half way unfinished because I got carried away due to the other clips on the side bar of youtube.

Ten minutes later I than wonder hoW in the world you from 'Armin live 2010' you end up watching a 'panda sliding down a slide in china ZOO'!

Get myself more tea, play with cats, realizing he is hungry than feed him, set and watch tv, I am not really watching it, it is just turned on and I am just looking at it paying no attention to the tv scenes, than my dad asks me a question about the scence thinking I am in deep contemplation about the news and therefore asking me questions about what I think about the event and me being clueless of the reason behind his question I ask what is he refering to? And the discussion begins! From Mubarak to Egypt we end up talking about whether my university has any Persian book and if yes whether I can borrow it for him!

And all this takes place in a tone that if someone else sees us talking they would think we are about two minutes away from punching one another! I hate how all us afghan yell when we talk normally!

This is what I do when I am bored, doesn't happen that often but it does happen from time to time!

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