Saturday, July 9, 2011

To be understood

After a certain ages we just need someone to understand us, call that person a friend call it a best friend, or call a whatever you want, we just want some to to understand us, not necessiarly feel sorry for us or do anything, but to just get us. The complexity of it is not only in how we want to show ourself but for most the inability of expressing oneself.

As a result most turn into music, art, become great writers and create the characters they wish to be themselves, exposing their nature as the people in their work and after that they just wait and see how those characters are loved by others. Yes in order to express ourselves some might go as extreme as deforming their human like shape. And all they do is wait for someone to come and tell them that 'yes they get it'

Reality is we either have hard time to understand ourself or what we undertand of ourself is something we completely ignore due to our dislikes

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