Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Your life and your technology

Got up around 10-11 am, I know it is late hey it is my break sue me, turned on the coffee machine to geta nice coffee brewed, turned on the computer to catch on news, did my daily facebook stalking (no I meant social interaction) to make me feel a little more human, listened to some music and basically in the first one hour the day begun interacting with technologies which 10 years ago were non-existence. I realized a large portion of my life is attached with interacting with things which has changed my life in an unknown way(positive, negative I dont know).

So I wondered what would my day be consist of if one day all those interaction medium is gone? So I decided to challenge my self by reducing the usage of those things. I dont have a problem with TV I hardly watch it, youtube has killed tv for me. The hard part would be not using youtube. So here is the plan for the next 30 days :
1-2 hours of youtube and by day 30 youtube usage should be down to 45 minutes a day.
2-News reading 1 hour a day don't need to change that.
3-One movie a day, by day 30 should be reduced to one movie every three days.
4-Music nope cant change that!
5-Replace ebook reading with actual books, hopefully this well stop me from using laptop.
6-Total time spend behind laptop on daily basis should be 5 hours maximum.

Good luck Moe!

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