Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The sadness 'i' know

At what point should I worry about my life? When the hair line is slowly increasing its march backward towards my spine, when my waist is slowly expanding, when my friends are in a manner that I know their faces but not their name, or perhaps when the people I thought are my friends are in fact strangers.

I don’t get it why sadness and pain always seem to have an aesthetic to all of us, we get the pain and the suffering but we get it in the most amazing way, in a way it makes us feel good in a bad way! It seems like happy moment has no meaning on paper where as pain and suffering just makes perfect sense on paper with minimum effort of trying to pain them with words? Or maybe it is because the entire sadness I read in the paper is understood so easily by me is because I have lived it at least once or maybe more than once.

We only remember the extreme emotion within our life I hope there is more to life than the extremes I know so far.

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