Sunday, April 25, 2010
18-Some poem written when i was young
Thundering sounds of this humble heart
Echos in the empty mind that was once full with your images,
Ahhh, no medication can heel sorrows,
Some sorrows are like burn marks;
O How this marks will burn until all eternity
O How good it is that it burns, maybe I remember not to sin again;
A sin by the name of love.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
17.How norms are formed, and how we stop forming them!
Slowly and painfully norms change. And this is done by the power of common sense t. Now you may ask what is common sense? Common sense is the very same thing that force the abolishing of the old disgusting norms of the past. It is in fact true that not all acts that are against the norm of the society are correct acts, like the act of paedophilia, and infact the person who believes in that has the right to argue so, however is it not hard to prove that man if one wants. It is this force that I call common sense.
I agree that normality is society related, and in different cultures different things are considered to be normal while in some other societies it is not. The mutual nature of a common norms suggest that one group could be wrong and it is therefore needed to be investigated. Howe we can investigate and decided is a different topic of its own and I rather not talk about it here.
However going back to the original topic and its relevance to current topic religion authority in general have been given far more power than they truly deserve. Laws also tend to give more fair treatment towards one religious bodies, and sometimes towards people of one religion than other! The existence of such unfair treatment always scares me. It scares me how a religious authority has the right to order the assassination of an author just for writing a book, it also scares me to know one Man in a white suit living in luxury, representing the spirit of a poor carpenter, has the power to hide his child molester workers, and provide them protection and dare to blame the wrong doing of his crew upon people who have nothing to do with it and still get away with it.
It also scares me how we always remain quiet on issues that bother us, just because we do not want to be rude towards ideas that we disagree with, and in many cases we could be very much wrong, yet the fact that we still remain quiet means we can never know if it was us who was wrong or it was the other person, or in terms of norm the society itself. A society with people who are in fear of being proven wrong or in fear of offending people. Such attitudes will leads to a society that is not going to go anywhere in terms of perfecting its values. A society that eventually remains ignorant and indifferent towards the things that makes us human, a society where debates and chat about life is replace with alcohol, partying and acting like tomorrow will never come. A society where we slowly cares less to have an opinion of our own and doing dialogues with others are just wrong, like the current American Foreign policies.
As Hypatia of Alexandria said, "Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all."
Friday, April 16, 2010
16.Another crack on free will vs destiny.
1)We do not know what God is and we only get to know him and his characters based on the laws he provides for us in his books.
2)We therefore fear him and are force to love him, and take all the bad that happens to us as good, as God is given this to us, and surely God is not unjust and unholy, he is surely a good God and therefore this bad we feel is not really a bad thing, why, because we know from our religion God is not a Mafia leader and in fact he is just and merciful!
3) Problem still remains we can never know whether all this events which happen to us are really God given. and to begin with This problems are more aimed towards the believers than non-believers.
3)Therefore whenever a believers sees cases like an innocent infant getting terminal illness, which statically speaking to a non-believer are quiet normal, we just ignore those cases and give it a benefit of doubt as God is great and just, and surely in that child suffering and death something great will lays (whatever that great is, that is also another question mark). The other option is to blame the childs family and close friend for its suffering as it is due to their crime the infant is suffering! The infant suffers to punish a crime committed by people who are close to him. This is surely speaks many justice.
4) Human life is all about experience. Whether that experience is a mental one, based on one’s thought experiments or one that one actually physical experiences, like a car accident, there is not magic behind it. Issues like free will (we doing something stupid and therefore suffer as a result) and destiny (where what happens to us is not what we aimed for, but it still happened to us due to some divine intervention) are cases only good for the story books and philosophy alone. Since one can never identify between what actions are due to our free will and what is due to divine intervention it is pointless to even speak about it. Surely I can blame all my bad deeds and sins to the destiny God has given me long before I was born, but I am sure in court of law claiming my actions to be a act due to Gods will shall not not get me far at all! After all God did give me freewill! Yet it was my free will to commit a sin (Or was it my destiny to commit a sin!? Do you see the inconsistency?)
5) Religion is just another way one can live its life, and we know by now it is not the only way. As times passes by and society grows intellectually (hopefully that is) it only becomes harder to be able to say it is what it is and take it as how it is and also consider it as a fact, as people would want better explanation and less vague statements. For the same reason when you go to the sales men and ask "how much is that tv?", and he replies “I think it is somewhere from 1 dollars to infinity, would you like to buy some?", you would not be too happy as you have a finite budget, you would not want to risk following something that you only know some part of it, and most luckily if you knew what it is all about you wouldn't sign the sales contract! It amazes me how believers easily gamble their souls, assuming there is a soul!
Surely religion is meant to be for all not for only few who truly get its meaning. To me a faith that requires scholars in order to be able to be fully understood is not a faith for all, but only for the few. A truly God given religion should be something universal, something that all mans in all level of intelligent should suppose to understand. Anything that requires a scholar to explain its theory can only mean one thing, there might some chances that it is not fact but a made up theory and hence person ‘A’ in a need for some scholar to defend and clarify the theory, much like most science which requires courses after courses for one to be able to understand it!
6) There are very few facts in life like if an apple falls within the enclosure of the earth atmosphere it will fall downward, however I and I am not confident I can ever be able to call religion as one.
7) Let’s not forget the problem of existence of God still remains unanswered.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
15.So is it a sign?
What is more sad is that this sign just got me more sad!
I guess the only thing that can satisfy a never ending skeptic doubt is a slap from a person named Sign!